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In Stock TEC-8450 Temperature Controllers

Part Number Prefix: TEC

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Last Updated: 5/7/2024 1:48:14 PM CST

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Part NumberHardware CodePower InputOutput 1Output 2/Alarm 1Alarm 2 and 3Event InputsOptions 1Options 2Options 3Options 4Price Per
Part NumberHardware CodePower InputOutput 1Output 2/Alarm 1Alarm 2 and 3Event InputsOptions 1Options 2Options 3Options 4Price Per
TEC37001*TEC-8450-41000000190-250 VacForm A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacNoNoNoNoNoNoTerminal Cover$190.65
TEC37006*TEC-8450-42120000190-250 VacPulse dc for SSR drive: 5 VdcForm A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacAlarm 2 and 3: Form A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacNoNoNoNoTerminal Cover$220.30
TEC37008*TEC-8450-43120000190-250 VacIsolated, 4-20 mA , 0-20 mAForm A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacAlarm 2 and 3: Form A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacNoNoNoNoTerminal Cover$255.00
TEC37011*TEC-8450-42000002290-250 VacPulse dc for SSR drive: 5 VdcNoNoNoNoNoRetransmit 0-10Vdc and Remote SetpointRamp and Soak firmware$267.80
TEC37014*TEC-8450-43100001190-250 VacIsolated, 4-20 mA , 0-20 mAForm A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacNoNoNoNoRetransmit 4-20mA/0-20mA and Remote SetpointTerminal Cover$290.55
TEC37017*TEC-8450-41110000190-250 VacForm A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacForm A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacAlarm 2: Form A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacNoNoNoNoTerminal Cover$210.35
TEC37018*TEC-8450-4C110000190-250 VacPulse dc for SSR drive: 14 VdcForm A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacAlarm 2: Form A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacNoNoNoNoTerminal Cover$229.20
TEC37027*TEC-8450-41100000390-250 VacForm A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacForm A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacNoNoNoNoNoTerminal Cover and Ramp and Soak firmware$236.65
TEC37030*TEC-8450-42110000190-250 VacPulse dc for SSR drive: 5 VdcForm A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacAlarm 2: Form A relay - SPST - NO, 2A/240 VacNoNoNoNoTerminal Cover$210.35

*Not a stock catalog part number – conditions and charges may apply.

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