Tempco Custom Heater Manufacturing

Standard Tubular Duct Heater Specifications

See below for Finned Tubular Duct Heater Specifications.

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Duct Heater Cut out

On Duct Heaters having more than 54 heating elements, the mounting flange thickness will be increased from 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch thick.

Construction Specifications

"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" Number
Net Weight
in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm lbs kgs
 1 27-7/8  708 20  508  2-3/4  70  6-1/2 165  3  76  3-5/8  92 2-1/2  64  6  22 10
 2 27-7/8  708 20  508  4-3/4 121  8-1/2 216  5 127  5-5/8 143 3-1/2  89 12  31 14
 3 27-7/8  708 20  508  6-3/4 171 10-1/2 267  7 178  7-5/8 194 3  76 18  41 19
 4 27-7/8  708 20  508  8-3/4 222 12-1/2 318  9 229  9-5/8 244 2-3/4  70 24  51 23
 5 27-7/8  708 20  508 10-3/4 273 14-1/2 368 11 279 11-5/8 295 3-1/4  83 30  62 28
 6 27-7/8  708 20  508 12-3/4 324 16-1/2 419 13 330 13-5/8 346 3-3/4  95 36  73 33
 7 27-7/8  708 20  508 14-3/4 375 18-1/2 470 15 381 15-5/8 397 4-1/4 108 42  84 38
 8 27-7/8  708 20  508 16-3/4 425 20-1/2 521 17 432 17-5/8 448 4-3/4 121 48  95 43
 9 27-7/8  708 20  508 18-3/4 476 22-1/2 572 19 483 19-5/8 498 5-1/4 133 54 106 48
10 27-7/8  708 20  508 20-3/4 527 24-1/2 622 21 533 21-5/8 549 5-3/4 146 60 117 53
11 32-7/8  835 25  635 20-3/4 527 24-1/2 622 21 533 21-5/8 549 5-3/4 146 60 130 59
12 40-3/8 1026 32-1/2  826 20-3/4 527 24-1/2 622 21 533 21-5/8 549 5-3/4 146 60 155 70
13 49-3/8 1254 41-1/2 1054 20-3/4 527 24-1/2 622 21 533 21-5/8 549 5-3/4 146 60 180 82


Finned Tubular Duct Heater Specifications

Finned Tubular Duct Heater Cut Out

On Duct Heaters having more than 27 heating elements, the mounting flange thickness will be increased from 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch thick.

Construction Specifications

"A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" Number
Net Weight
in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm lbs kgs
1 25-3/8 645 20 508 3-3/4 95 7 177.8 4 102 4-1/4 108 2-3/4 70 3 22 10
2 25-3/8 645 20 508 6-1/4 159 9-1/2 241 6.5 165 6-3/4 171 4 102 6 31 14
3 25-3/8 645 20 508 8-3/4 222 12 305 9 229 9-1/4 235 3-1/2 89 9 41 19
4 25-3/8 645 20 508 11-3/4 298 14-1/2 368 12 305 11-3/4 298 3-1/4 83 12 51 23
5 25-3/8 645 20 508 13-3/4 349 17 432 14 356 14-1/4 362 3-7/8 98 15 62 28
6 25-3/8 645 20 508 16-1/4 413 19-1/2 495 16.5 419 16-3/4 425 4-1/2 114 18 73 33
7 25-3/8 645 20 508 18-3/4 476 22 559 19 483 19-1/4 489 4-1/8 105 21 84 38
8 25-3/8 645 20 508 21-3/4 552 24-1/2 622 22 559 21-3/4 552 4-5/8 117 24 95 43
9 25-3/8 645 20 508 23-3/4 603 27 686 24 610 24-1/4 616 5-1/8 130 27 106 48
10 25-3/8 645 20 508 26-3/4 679 29-1/2 749 27 686 26-3/4 679 5-5/8 143 30 117 53
11 30-1/4 768 24-7/8 632 26-3/4 679 29-1/2 749 27 686 26-3/4 679 5-5/8 143 30 130 59
12 37-1/4 946 31-7/8 810 26-3/4 679 29-1/2 749 27 686 26-3/4 679 5-5/8 143 30 155 70
13 45 1143 39-5/8 1006 26-3/4 679 29-1/2 749 27 686 26-3/4 679 5-5/8 143 30 180 82

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Tempco Electric Heater Corporation

607 N. Central Ave. | Wood Dale, IL 60191-1452 USA
Phone: 630.350.2252 | Toll Free: 888.268.6396
Fax: 630.350.0232 | Email: [email protected]

We have Branch Offices located across the United States.



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