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Maximum Temperature: 1400°F (760°C)
Maximum Watt Density: 100-300 W/in2 (15.5-46.5 W/cm2) depending on heater size & operating temperature.
Note: The maximum operating temperature and the life expectancy of a cartridge heater is dependent on two main factors: 1. The maximum recommended sheath temperature (v1200°F for a standard heater) 2. The maximum ambient temperature for the termination selected. Consult Tempco if you require a recommendation for your application.
With some force, Tempco Hi-Density Cartridge Heaters will normally flex enough to fit into a straight reamed hole.
*480V when applicable. Consult Tempco.
†Current carrying capacities are for ambient temperatures up to 482°F (250°C) with mica insulated lead wires.
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