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Maximum Temperature: 1400°F (760°C)
Maximum Watt Density: 100-300 W/in2 (15.5-46.5 W/cm2) depending on heater size & operating temperature.
Note: The maximum operating temperature and the life expectancy of a cartridge heater is dependent on two main factors: 1. The maximum recommended sheath temperature (v1200°F for a standard heater) 2. The maximum ambient temperature for the termination selected. Consult Tempco if you require a recommendation for your application.
A certain amount of Camber is unavoidable. With a slight force, Hi-Density Cartridge Heaters will flex enough to fit into a straight reamed hole.
†Current carrying capacities are for ambient temperatures up to 482°F (250°C) with mica insulated lead wires. *480V when applicable. Consult Tempco.
Note: Specifications detailed on this page are standard. Consult Tempco if your application requires tighter tolerances or has other special requirements.
The electrical resistance (ohms) of the heater resistance wire increases with temperature rise. Tempco standard Hi-Density Cartridge Heaters are manufactured with ohms (cold ohms) 3.3% lower than the actual calculated ohms (hot ohms) to compensate for this increase.
Consult factory for maximum wattages and voltages. * Heaters may require a larger diameter transition area at lead end.
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