MTA4 Thermocouple In Stock Part Numbers
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Part Number | T/C Calibration | Sheath OD (in) | Sheath Length (L) (in) | Sheath Material | Junction Type | Special Features | Qty | Price Per |
Part Number | T/C Calibration | Sheath OD (in) | Sheath Length (L) (in) | Sheath Material | Junction Type | Special Features | Qty | Price Per |
MTA01259* | K | 0.25 | 8.5 | Alloy 600 | U | Call | 13 | N/A |
MTA01806* | K | 0.093 | 1.45 | Special | U | Call | 32 | N/A |
MTA02339* | J | 0.04 | 14.5 | Alloy 600 | U | Call | 1 | N/A |
MTA02569* | 5 | 0.063 | 2.625 | 316 SS | U | | 1 | N/A |
MTA02571* | 5 | 0.063 | 3.625 | 316 SS | E | | 1 | N/A |
*Not a stock catalog part number – conditions and charges may apply.