Tempco Custom Heater Manufacturing

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Bayonet Type Adapters

Adapter Selection and Installation:
  1. Select an adapter length by comparing the hole depth and thermocouple probe length in Table 1A.
  2. Select from Table 1B a thread type for the adapter length determined in Table 1A.

Explore Bayonet Type Adapters Specifications

Table 1A
Adapter Length for Bayonet Type Thermocouples and RTDs

Hole “C” Probe Length A (in)
(in) 7/8" Long
1-3/8" Long
2-1/2" Long
1⁄4 to 1⁄2 1-5⁄8 2 3-1⁄8
1⁄2 to 1 2 2-1⁄2 3-5⁄8
1 to 1-1⁄2 2-1⁄2 3 4-1⁄8
2 to 2-1⁄2 3-1⁄2 4 5-1⁄8
2-1⁄2 to 3 4 4-1⁄2 5-5⁄8
3 to 3-1⁄2 4-1⁄2 5 6-1⁄8
3-1⁄2 to 4 5 5-1⁄2 6-5⁄8
4 to 4-1⁄2 5-1⁄2 6 7-1⁄8
4-1⁄2 to 5 6 6-1⁄2 7-5⁄8
5 to 5-1⁄2 6-1⁄2 7 8-1⁄8
5-1⁄2 to 6 7 7-1⁄2 8-5⁄8
6 to 6-1⁄2 7-1⁄2 8 9-1⁄8

Table 1B
Bayonet Adapter for Threaded Type Thermocouples and RTDs

Part Number Length (in) Thread Material
TCA-104-101 7⁄8 1⁄8-27 NPT Plated Steel
TCA-104-103 1-3⁄8 1⁄8-27 NPT Plated Steel
TCA-104-121 1-1⁄2 1⁄8-27 NPT Plated Steel
TCA-104-118 2 1⁄8-27 NPT Plated Steel
TCA-104-105 2-1⁄2 1⁄8-27 NPT Plated Steel
TCA-104-115 3-1⁄2 1⁄8-27 NPT Plated Steel
TCA-104-110 4 1⁄8-27 NPT Plated Steel
TCA-104-102 7⁄8 3⁄8-24 UNF Plated Steel
TCA-104-104 1-3⁄8 3⁄8-24 UNF Plated Steel
TCA-104-106 2-1⁄2 3⁄8-24 UNF Plated Steel
TCA-104-107 2-3⁄8 14 × 1.5mm Stainless Steel
TCA-104-108 2-1⁄2 10 × 1.5mm Plated Steel
TCA-104-111 2-1⁄2 12 × 1mm Plated Steel
†TCA-104-116 2-3⁄8 12 × 1.5mm Plated Steel
TCA-104-126 2 12 × 1mm Plated Steel
TCA-104-127 1 12 × 1mm Plated Steel
TCA-104-128 1 12 × 1.75mm Plated Steel
TCA-104-131 3 12 × 1mm Plated Steel
TCA-104-132 5 12 × 1mm Plated Steel

Must be used with 12 mm ID bayonet caps

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