Tempco Custom Heater Manufacturing

Tempco's MicaBand Heaters

Common Applications

  • Autoclaves & Sterilizers
  • Barrels & Heads
  • Blow Molding Machines
  • Drum Heating
  • Extrusion Dies
  • Fluidized Beds
  • Food and Candy Extruders
  • Food Service Warming
  • Holding Tanks
  • Hot Runner Molds
  • Metallurgical Analyzers
  • Oil Reclamation Equipment
  • Plastic Extruders
  • Plastic Injection Molding Machines
  • Pulp/Paper Processing Equipment
  • Vending Machines

Construction Characteristics

  • Built-in bracket for superior clamping
  • Unbreakable and torque-resistant screw terminals
  • Temperatures up to 900°F (480°C)
  • Full width stainless steel built-in strap
  • Flexibility to incorporate holes and cutouts
  • Available two-piece and expandable designs
  • Best mica insulated heater on the market
  • Faster delivery than any other type of heater band
  • Most economical among various heater bands
  • Most versatile and commonly used heater band
  • Complete Specifications and Tolerances

Designed For Trouble-Free Service

Tempco’s Duraband mica insulated band heater is the result of many years of research and development focused on creating a reliable heater that can perform at operating temperatures up to 900°F (480°C) - the temperatures required to process the new high-temperature resins being used in plastic extruders, injection and blow molding machines.

Duraband is a proven reliable heater, designed with the maximum resistance wire surface area possible, encased in a low-mass assembly for fast heat-up and a quick response time. The outer sheath incorporates a Low Thermal Expansion Built-In Strap - a unique design feature originally developed and patented by Tempco.

Variety and Versatility in Mica Insulated Heaters

No other heater band has the design and manufacturing flexibility of our mica insulated heaters. Tempco’s flexible CNC sheet metal fabricating machines, custom-developed engineering programs with built-in intelligence, and experienced and talented engineering staff allow us to push the limits on band heater designs.

Throughout our catalog and website we show Tempco’s standard specifications and most popular designs. However, as a custom heating element manufacturer, we recognize that many applications require non-standard and unique designs.

At Tempco, we are constantly challenged by our customers to solve their heating applications. We have the experience, technical knowledge and manufacturing capability to solve all your heating problems with unique heater designs. Use Tempco’s talent and capabilities to your benefit to solve your specific heating problem in an expeditious and cost effective manner. 

Special/Custom Micaband Heater Designs


Micaband Standard Specs & Tolerances

Band Heater Product Gallery

Use our knowledge and put our experience to work for you. You will be glad you did!

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Tempco Electric Heater Corporation

607 N. Central Ave. | Wood Dale, IL 60191-1452 USA
Phone: 630.350.2252 | Toll Free: 888.268.6396
Fax: 630.350.0232 | Email: [email protected]

We have Branch Offices located across the United States.



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