Tempco Custom Heater Manufacturing

Temperature Sensors Delivered for Automotive Supplier

RTD Accuracy ideal for metal part fabrication

Car Assembly Line

Tempco is a well-known and trusted manufacturer of electric heating elements for industrial processes. Our expertise in the design, manufacture and application of heating elements and heaters extends to temperature sensors. We produce a complete line of custom thermocouples, RTDs, and thermistors.

A Tempco customer recently experienced a product shortage with their current thermocouple supplier. They turned to Tempco for assistance. Our customer is a Tier One automotive supplier specializing in the fabrication of metal parts. A Tier One supplier provides parts or systems directly to the automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). They needed to secure a new source of thermocouples as soon as possible to avoid disruption in the supply chain.


One crucial aspect of their process involves chemically treating the metal parts to protect them from corrosion. This treatment requires submerging the parts into heated chemical dip tanks. To ensure precise control of the process, each dip tank needs a temperature sensor to monitor and maintain the temperature of the tank solution. The application requirements include:

  • A Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
  • Teflon® coating
  • A temperature transmitter

Two Teflon®-Coated RTD's with Temperature Transmitters

RTDs with Teflon® coating and temperature transmitter

Why an RTD? High Accuracy

RTD’s are the ideal choice for an application that requires precise temperature control. While they are more expensive than thermocouples, RTD’s provide a more accurate, consistent and reliable temperature reading at temperatures ranging from –200°C (-328°F) to 650°C (1202°F). You can find more information on RTD’s in the article True RTD Accuracy: What you need to know.

Why Teflon® Coated? Corrosion Barrier

If the substance or fluid being measured is corrosive to the sensor's sheath material, Teflon®-coated temperature sensors are employed. Teflon® coating provides an effective barrier against corrosion, ensuring the accuracy and longevity of the sensors even in challenging environments.

Why a temperature transmitter? Signal Strength

When temperature measurement signals are small, they can be in the millivolt range. This makes them highly susceptible to attenuation, a reduction in the amplitude, and electrical interference when traveling through long wire runs. Temperature transmitters convert the millivolt signal sent from a measurement probe into a less susceptible signal. This helps reduce the effects of electrical noise and prevents signal degradation for accurate readings over long transmission distances.

Tempco designed an RTD to the customer’s specifications. Then we manufactured and delivered the RTDs to our customer, solving their supply chain challenge.

Tempco RTD

Tom T.

Territorial Sales Manager

August 14, 2024


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Tempco Electric Heater Corporation

607 N. Central Ave. | Wood Dale, IL 60191-1452 USA
Phone: 630.350.2252 | Toll Free: 888.268.6396
Fax: 630.350.0232 | Email: [email protected]

We have Branch Offices located across the United States.



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