Tempco Custom Heater Manufacturing

Cartridge Heaters for Harsh Environment within a Heated Press

Heat Presses

An Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) machine builder of a wide range of heat presses required a heating source for a specific product line. From hobby grade to commercial equipment, this OEM supplies heat press machinery used for pressing t-shirts, hats, plates, mugs or anything else that requires heat transfer in the printing and curing process. Tempco designed and manufactured hi-density cartridge heaters as a vital component for their largest heated press.

This application, a top and bottom heated press utilizing a cast aluminum plate, presented limitations on the type of heater that can be used due to the harsh environment and duty cycle. Uniform heat on the cast aluminum plate is imperative since there needs to be an even heat transfer on the end process. The application details include:

  • 44 inch x 48 inch top and bottom plates
  • Total force applied in the press is 220,000 lbs!
  • 5-inch-thick cast aluminum plate
  • Temperature requirement of ambient temperature to approximately 350°F within a 30-minute period

To uniformly heat the cast aluminum plates, Tempco Hi-Density Cartridge Heaters are inserted into the 16 drilled holes the length of the heater block. Cartridge heaters are an ideal solution because of their ability to withstand a harsh environment without causing maintenance issues or requiring frequent replacement. The design features of these heaters are:

  • ¾-inch heater diameter
  • 45-inch heater length
  • 1 inch of unheated length at the lead end
  • Flexible, internally connected electrical termination that is resistant to wear and fatigue over time despite continuous movement from the heated press and a relatively harsh environment
  • Potted end seal rated for 1000°F/538°C
  • Mounting flange that secures the heaters into the aluminum plate during the plate’s movement.

Heat Press with Tempco Cartridge Heaters

Heaters mounted into cast aluminum plate for large format heat press


Hi-Density Cartridge Heater Type M2 Potted End Seal Termination

Type M2 Termination: Potted End Seal

Tempco’s Hi-density Cartridge Heaters offered multiple advantages to our customer. Our heating solution for this application was very cost effective while improving the life of the heater terminations which in turn made preventative maintenance simpler than prior attempts at heating the platens.

Zach G.

Territorial Sales Manager

August 28, 2023


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Tempco Electric Heater Corporation

607 N. Central Ave. | Wood Dale, IL 60191-1452 USA
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Fax: 630.350.0232 | Email: [email protected]

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