Tempco Custom Heater Manufacturing

Tempco on display at #NPE2024

NPE: The Plastics Show

Tempco Booth at NPE2024

You may have noticed Tempco talking a lot about NPE2024, the National Plastics Exposition. NPE: The Plastics Show usually happens every three years. However, due to pandemic concerns, the 2021 show was canceled. Last week, NPE returned to Orlando, FL with an impressive turnout and a renewed sense of connection within the Plastics Industry. Direct from npe.org, the statistics of this five-day show are impressive:

  • Over 50,000 attendees
  • 130+ countries represented
  • 2,100+ exhibitors on display in two halls
  • More than 1.1 million net square feet of exhibit space

NPE is largely a show that consists of original equipment manufacturers showcasing their capital and auxiliary equipment with the latest technology and advancements in the industry. It might seem like Tempco is out of place, exhibiting among the blow molding machines and extrusion equipment. However, heat is a crucial part of most, if not all, plastics processes, and Tempco is a long-standing manufacturer and supplier of these important machine components. While Tempco’s booth only took up a small fraction of the exhibition space, the reason why we exhibit at the show is demonstrated by some of our long-standing customers.



Milacron began as a leader in CNC Machinery and tooling. In 1968 they expanded into plastics processing equipment and solutions. Today they are a leader in injection molding and extrusion technology as well as a trusted supplier of parts and service. Tempco is proud to provide Milacron with a variety of band heaters and cast-in heaters for their made-in-the-USA injection molding machines, single and twin extrusion heads, and more.



NFM has grown from a machine shop to an industry leader in single and twin-screw extrusion machinery. Their specialties include rubber extrusion systems, plastics extrusion systems, polymer compounding and post-reactor polymer finishing. Tempco is a proud partner to NFM, providing a variety of cast-in heaters for their twin-screw extrusion equipment.



MAAC Machinery, based in Carol Stream, Illinois, is the world’s largest thermoforming machinery manufacturer. They focus exclusively on cut-sheet thermoforming applications. They design and manufacture the highest quality shuttle and rotary thermoforming machines specializing in vacuum forming, pressure forming, twin sheet forming, and a wide variety of automotive and custom thermoforming applications. Tempco is proud to supply them with two styles of Infrared heating elements:

  • Type KTE medium wave quartz heaters
  • Type CRB ceramic e-mitters®

Each unit MAAC develops can use either of those heating elements based on customer preference and application requirements. The KTE IR heater offers instant on and off performance that not only provides the required heat, but also offers energy savings benefits. The CRB E-mitters maintain heat in the unit longer and have a slower cool down period.



Tempco recognizes the importance of manufacturing reliable and efficient application and process solutions for our customers. NPE provides us with the opportunity to showcase our products and expertise and to connect with our partners in the plastics industry. It is one thing to see our wide selection of electric heaters, heating elements, temperature sensors and temperature control products in our booth, but it is another to see our heaters on display and in use on the equipment they are designed for at the show. If you missed out on any of this, check out our social media pages for highlights from #NPE2024 and stay tuned to our YouTube channel for upcoming production and capabilities videos!

Tempco Band heaters in Milacron's NPE2024 Booth

Tempco Heaters in Milacron's NPE2024 Booth


Tempco Cast-In Heaters in NFM's NPE2024 Booth

Tempco Cast-In Heaters on NFM's machine at NPE2024


Tempco's Ceramic E-Mitters on MAAC Thermoforming Machine

Tempco Ceramic E-Mitters in use on MAAC Thermoforming Machine

Joylyn J.

Website & Catalog Coordinator


Tom T. | Tempco Sales
Mike G. | Tempco Sales
Debbie W. | Tempco Sales

May 17, 2024


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Tempco Electric Heater Corporation

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