Tempco Custom Heater Manufacturing

Top 5 Tempco Blog Posts of 2020

Blog Review

Tempco 2020 Blog Review

There are some things from 2020 that are worth reviewing. We thought Tempco's blog was one of them.

Here is a list of our 5 most popular blog posts from this past year.  We hope you enjoy the review and we look forward to bringing you more technical data, case studies and Tempco stories in 2021!!

Heat Trace Cable

Introduction to Heat Trace Cable Systems

Tempco’s Heat Trace Cables are the perfect solution for counteracting the effects of heat loss from process piping systems.

In this post we explained the two types of Heat Trace Cable - Constant Wattage Cable and Self-Limiting/Self-Regulating Cable - that Tempco carries. We also answered some of your frequently asked questions.

COVID-19 image

Tempco and COVID-19

Tempco has a long history of manufacturing products that are used across countless industries. During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing, we remain open and fully operational to serve those essential industries. And here is why...

When asked "Why is Tempco open during the pandemic?", we answered! We listed some of our products that are used in essential businesses, and we didn't even really scratch the surface.  As our founder often said, almost every industrial process uses heat in some way.

Temperature Sensors

Understanding Temperature Sensors

Learn the difference between RTD's, Thermocouples and Thermistors with this guide and find valuable information on additional reference pages.

Sensors are an important part of most industrial processes, and knowing the differences between the sensors that we manufacture can make a big difference for your application.

Infrared Heaters

Understanding Infrared Radiant Heating Technology

Infrared heat energy can be delivered to concentrated areas at a very fast rate with Tempco's Radiant Heaters or heater arrays.

Infrared Heat can be complicated. Here we offer some basic information to help you get started using infrared heat in your industrial application.

Plant Tour Screen Shot

Tempco Manufacturing Plant Tour

In this video get a rare sneak peek inside Tempco. See some of our manufacturing capabilities and processes that produce the quality products that our customers expect.

Tempco opens its doors to customers - when we aren't in the middle of a pandemic.  Since our current safety policies mean you can't come to us, we brought the plant to you.

Toilet Plane

What does happen to poop at 34,000 feet?

It FREEZES!! Tempco designed a variety of heaters to address maintaining the temperature of an aerospace customer's vacuum waste system for small to midsize business jets.

We included this one because it was fun and because Tempco learned a lot about this application in order to design the best heaters for this unique process...

Joylyn J.

Website & Catalog Coordinator

January 4, 2021


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Tempco Electric Heater Corporation

607 N. Central Ave. | Wood Dale, IL 60191-1452 USA
Phone: 630.350.2252 | Toll Free: 888.268.6396
Fax: 630.350.0232 | Email: [email protected]

We have Branch Offices located across the United States.



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