Tempco Custom Heater Manufacturing


“I read the most interesting article on an electric heater company blog site the other day!” Said no one ever.

All kidding aside, we at Tempco Electric Heater Corporation are excited to announce the launch of the new Tempco Blog! This will be a great opportunity for us to highlight our company, products and manufacturing knowledge. Tempco has seen a lot of changes since its establishment in 1972, with many significant dates on the Tempco historical timeline. However, from a sales and marketing perspective, there is one date that stands out for our company.

On January 9th, 2018, Tempco launched its brand-new website. With this launch came a greater opportunity to be found by our customers and to highlight our company, products and capabilities. We were no longer confined to static, non-responsive web pages or limited search capabilities. During the initial planning phases, our team had a vision to create a website that was modern, easy to use and informative. With the launch of the updated site, we saw a complete design overhaul and added features such as advanced search, responsive web pages for desktop and mobile, quote submissions, data driven content and more.

Every so often we hear people ask, “So when is the website going to be done?” And as any good web developer or marketer will tell you… “A website is never done!” We often have to take the time to explain to them that a website is like a living, breathing, constantly evolving part of your company’s identity. In most cases, the website is the “first impression” to a prospective customer, and when left untouched, it can become stale and outdated.

Website is Never Done

Because we are committed to producing the best website we can, we recently decided that it was time for us to create a Tempco Blog to centralize all of the content and knowledge we have accumulated over the years. Not only will it be a critical part to our marketing strategy, but it will give us the opportunity to help engineers, OEMs, and other end users by providing them with rich content to help educate them on our custom electric heaters. Our new blog will feature case studies, engineering information, product announcements and more! Read a case study about Silicone Rubber Heaters for Spa Saunas  or learn how to Improve the Life of a Hi-Density Cartridge Heater. Discover how our products were used to tackle a challenge in the medical equipment industry  or learn all about Mica Insulated Band Heaters . With our ever-growing list of product applications and the vast knowledge of our sales, engineering and manufacturing staff, there is no shortage of content for us share with the world.


Over the coming weeks, months and years, we will continue to populate our blog with great content for our visitors. We encourage you to sign up to receive email notifications on our blog posts, and to follow us on social media to get the latest news from Tempco.

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Thank you for reading and always remember… sharing is caring!

David S.

Marketing Manager

April 1, 2019


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Tempco Electric Heater Corporation

607 N. Central Ave. | Wood Dale, IL 60191-1452 USA
Phone: 630.350.2252 | Toll Free: 888.268.6396
Fax: 630.350.0232 | Email: [email protected]

We have Branch Offices located across the United States.



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